For what flights is EC Regulation valid?

The Regulation applies to all air travel within the European Union by Community ornon-Community air carriers, as well as to any flight departing from the EU and arrivingoutside the EU or departing from outside the EU and arriving in the EU. In the lattercase the operating air carrier has to be registered in the EU.


The Regulation applies to all air travel within the European Union by Community or
non-Community air carriers, as well as to any flight departing from the EU and arriving
outside the EU or departing from outside the EU and arriving in the EU. In the latter
case the operating air carrier has to be registered in the EU. The Regulation of the
European Communities is directly applicable and binding not only in Hungary, but in
all 27 EU Member States. Moreover, the rules apply in the countries of the European
Economic Area (EEA), thus in Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein plus Switzerland.

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