My flight has been cancelled!

what are my rights?

My flight has been cancelled, what are my rights?

You may be eligible for compensation. You should not listen to the excuses made by the airlines, instead contact us. The compensation may be up to 600 EUR

If the stay is longer, you are eligible for food and accommodation.

If it is reasonably expected that you can reach your destination with another flight, you also get rerouting

How can I get the compensation for cancellation?

According to a current EC Regulation you may be entitled to a compensation in case of an unexpected flight cancellation. The compensation could be as much as 250EUR to 600 EUR per passenger. Regulation 261/2004 establishing common rules on the compensation and assistance of the passengers.

If you have paid for your own food and hotel, you may get it back from the airlines as well.

Flight Refund has years of experience in successfully collecting indemnity, has all the legal and technological background to help in representing your case against the airlines.

Reasons for flight cancellations

There may be many different reasons for cancelling a flight. We should differentiate between the ones that are the airlines‘ responsibility and the ones that happened out of their control / scope of business operations. The unforeseeable, when despite taking extreme measures, still unavoidable and exceptional circumstances considered force majeure situations, airlines liable only for mitigation of damages and not for indemnity.

Force majeure category examples: severe weather conditions or natural forces that can mean danger to a flight; unexpected technical malfunctions that cannot be prevented even when taking all reasonable efforts; industrial actions (strikes); act of sabotage or terrorism. Cases falling into these categories may exempt air carriers from their obligation to pay compensation. But believe it or not, airlines sometimes falsely claim these circumstances, we have a sophisticated online database, in which we may check these circumstances, let us check it for you!

Should a flight be cancelled due to underbooking, labor logistic failures, technical problems that could/should have been fixed by regular maintenace; or due to disruptions inside the air carrier’s scope of business operation, compensation may be claimed.

In the event of denied boarding, cancellation or long delay of flights all passengers with valid tickets are entitled to compensation. Even children younger than 2 years, travelling on their parents' lap, are entitled to compensation despite the fact that these tickets cost only 10% of a regular priced ticket. Important addition that the directive does not distinguish between scheduled, budget or charter airlines. All types of commercial flights departing from the EU or with operations within the EU fall under the scope of the Regulation.

Sign up, Flight Refund is here to enforce your rights!

Was your flight delayed, cancelled or overbooked?

Submit your claim today. For you it's risk-free, but you'll get the compensation you're entitled to.