Feel free to

Contact us

Do you have a question? Do not hesitate to write us and we will do our best to give you the fastest and most efficient help!

Please add the fellow passenger(s) details:

    Would you call us? +36-30-139-1454
    Would you like to contact us via e-mail? [email protected]
    Would you like to meet us? 1065 Budapest, Nagymező utca 4. II. emelet 204.

    Further contacts:

    There is no customer reception in these offices.


    Flight Refund UK office

    First Floor Winston House
    349 Regents Park road
    London N3 1DH
    [email protected]

    Flight Refund US office

    1815 Purdy ave
    Miami Beach FL 33139
    [email protected]
    Was your flight delayed, cancelled or overbooked?

    Submit your claim today. For you it's risk-free, but you'll get the compensation you're entitled to.