További intézkedésig, a nyári szezon kiemelkedően magas ügyszámára való tekintettel, az új ügyek regisztrálása szünetel. A folyamatban levő ügyek feldolgozása továbbra is zajlik. Megértésüket, és türelmüket köszönjük.

Preserving nature is in everyone’s interest.
Helping passengers since 2012
98% success rate
More than €360 average compensation/ passenger

How can we help?

Flight Refund's online service provides help for passengers whose flights were significantly delayed (by at least 3 hours), cancelled or boarding was denied due to overbooking. You can claim a refund for the past 5 years!
Piece of mind icon

Flight Disruptions

During the past 5 years, my flight was: delayed, cancelled, denied or connection delayed

98% success rate

Professional claim experts working on your case

Claim for your co-travellers as well

We take it all the way to court if needed

Our process is fast and easy

Our expert legal team will help you to collect your compensation from airlines! We have successfully helped tens of thousands of passengers and we are confident that we can help you as well within a short period of time!

1. Check your compensation free online
It’s risk free - check your compensation and register! Fill out the application and submit your documents
Value 2
2. We enforce your claim (up to €600 per passenger) with the airline
We validate your request and then start claim enforcement process with airlines!
Passenger right
3. You receive your compensation
The compensation amount (up to €600 per passenger) will be transferred directly to your bank account.
Meaning and value
4. If necessary we will take legal action
We don’t stop until we get your compensation from the airlines!

Why is Flight Refund better than other alternatives?

Claiming compensation is a long and burdensome legal process. The experience is that airlines often reject passengers’ claims. By doing so, they deny passengers the compensation they are entitled to. Flight Refund provides professional help: it speeds up the legal process and ensures that the compensation can be paid as soon as possible

Flightrefund does icon

If Flightrefund does the hard work

You pay only in case of success

You can save time and energy

High rate of success

Experienced professionals


It only takes 5 minutes

Global network of lawyers

Register now
do it yourself icon

If you do it yourself

Slow administration process

Long correspondence with airline

Lower chance for success

Little adminsitrative experience


do it yourself icon

If a lawyer does it

Time consuming

Success is not guaranteed


The price can be very high

Little administrative experience

Because nature is also entitled to compensation

The consequences of Climate Change are catastrophic!
Let’s do our best for the Earth, as preserving nature is in everyone’s interest